A rectangular object, probably with a base of perishable wood that has not survived, with a surface of valuable materials. The best-known find from the palace of Knossos has been restored and interpreted as a luxury gaming board similar to draughts. It may have covered a table or chest. The frame is of ivory plated with gold leaf and decorated with carved rosettes with rock-crystal insets in their centres. The surface consists of rock-crystal plaques set into blue glass paste and silver foil, separated by ivory insets. Four conical ivory objects, found just a few metres from the rest of the game, were probably the gaming pieces, as their size exactly matches the four large circles on the board. Similar games have been found in Egypt and the Near East, but none is as large and elaborate as the Knossos draughtboard. Unfortunately, we do not know exactly how it was played or if it had some special symbolism beyond the game itself. Its luxuriousness highlights the wealth of the palace of Knossos, the high living standards of its inhabitants and the artistic skill of the palace workshops.