A decorative pottery style of the Protopalatial period (1800-1700 BC). Kamares Ware features an impressive variety of skilfully executed themes in red and white on a glossy black ground: the whole surface of the vessel is covered with running spirals, drop-shaped motifs, semi-rosettes and stylised floral themes, often accompanied by supplementary motifs. The main characteristics of Kamares Ware are polychromy, vividly curving and whirling motifs, and complex compositions highlighting the flowing movement. The masterly construction of the vases and their skilled decoration, together with the relatively limited dissemination of Kamares Ware, which is mostly found at sites of Central Crete, indicate that they were produced by the palace workshops of Knossos and Phaistos, probably for use in conspicuous consumption at banquets and ceremonies of the ruling class.